Travel Quotes

I don't think that there is anything more worth gaining than knowledge. Teach me something and I'll love you forever.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I'm blessed with sweet moments. Thank you :)

Sweet Moment #8- Helping Ignacia learn how to solve puzzles. It's nice to be reminded that for every puzzle there is a solution, and it's humbling to know that sometimes in our lives we just have to be taught how it is done. Thank you Igna

Sweet Moment #9- When you are feeling down and sad, that is when a friend will remember that you love Snoopy and a thoughtful pencil topper can change your day. x D

Sweet moment # 10- Being surprise with company for my ice cream and internet outing by one of my favorite families in the world.

Sweet moment #11- I had a great time being whisked off to Portillo to be an extra in a Norwegian version of "The Amazing Race." My tv boyfriend has a fabulous mustache, and I can't wait to see the strict but beautiful judge Valeska. 

Sweet moment #12- Daily Gangam style choreographed dance shows with approximately 80 of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders every recess. Everyone is welcome and everyone enjoys themselves. All because of Gangam Style and LMFAO, who would have thought? :P

Sweet moment #13- Learning only through goodbyes how strong some of the ties I've created are. I really have met some beautiful people who I will miss with all of my soul. I have met some of the most lovely kids. I've met creators, artists, and people with kind hearts. I will admit this moment to the internet (and thus the world) that I will be crying a lot in the coming days. 

Be like a tree- grow

The next post will be sweet moments, but even when the moments aren't sweet you can still grow.

“Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.” 

The first thing I've learned is to be kind. Always and always. I cannot change how others view me, but I want to always know that I'm kind.

The second thing I've learned is to bring closer those who bring joy to my life. Distance is minimal in the technological age. Love those who you love- wherever they are in the world.

Friday, November 30, 2012

I remain proud

I need to begin this with a disclaimer. I have met MANY open minded Chilenos. I have gotten to know and love many lovely people in this country. This story applies to only one person.

This man thinks it's ok to say that I have horns because I am Jewish. 

This man thinks it's ok to tell me that I killed Jesus if I so dare to say Merry Christmas. (which has now occurred multiple times considerig it's the christmas season)

This man thinks it's ok to tell me what I think about Palestine's countryhood because "i am Jewish and this is how Jews feel about Palestine." 

To this man: thank you for your generalizations. Thank you for your constant persecution and hatred. You remind me why I need to stand tall and be myself, all of myself at all times. Because people like this man are becoming less and less and less. The taller I stand the smaller he shrinks. 


Monday, November 12, 2012

New Words

Espantapajaros- scarecrow

el sauce- willow tree

Friday, November 9, 2012

Sweet Moments part 2

Sweet moment #5- Coming to school and having four kids immediately ask if we have el club de ingles (english club) this week becuase they enjoy it that much. I love what I do.

Sweet Moment: Having a student pull me over in class to see a picture of the pumpkin she carved. Halloween is still pretty new here so it was her first time. It looked great XD

Sweet Moment ·7- Having enough spanish to understand when one of my younger girls whispered to me that she had just gotten her first bra. Aw.

Meditate on it

Second hand clothing is called  ropa americana here because it comes from the states. There is also ropa europa, but everyone knows its less cool.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Words

New spanish words for me at this point:

Mamut- Mammoth


Thank you to my intrepid fourth grader who forced me to learn them :)